HELLO HELLO!!! this is just a place for me to express myself and keep things up to date like my socials !! I usually go by Airplane Bro on most sites, but you can call me Airplane!! My prns are jelly/star/:D/vamp/bro and i perfer masc or gender neuteral terms. I make art, edits, visual novels and generally what i feel like at the moment. I LOVE KANATA SHINKAI !! I LOVE GAKUPO KAMUI!!!! I LOVE DATING SIMS!!!! I LOVE JOJO'S BIZZARE ADVENTURE!!!!! I LOVE ONE PIECE !!! TALK TO ME ABOUT THEM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BYF...i tend to take everything a joke due to my autism, so please specify if you are serious or not by using tone tags!! Im just here to have fun most of the time :3

"But reality was different from what I had imagined as a child... And though there are lots of painful and sad things in the entertainment world... I was able to endure it. No, I was happy despite it... Because I was able to Iive in the utopia I had dreamed of." Aira - Underachievers – 2.